Hubert Homes

312 Timber Ridge
Hubert, NC 28539


Swansboro and Hubert

Price Range

$100,000 – $400,000


1,000 – 3,000

Homes for Sale in Hubert NC

Hubert is located in Onslow County North Carolina and on the northeast side of Camp Lejune Marine Corps Military Base. Hubert runs along the InterCostal water way and is transverse by inlets and waterways. The weather is greatly affected by the Gulf Stream just off the coast. We enjoy a four seasons a year without most of the ice and snow that effects inland North Carolina. Property values are on the rise due to the incredible sea food, weather and its people.

Jacksonville, Richlands, and Swansboro are the key towns in the county and Hubert falls under Onslow County for civil government and law. Our community is full of long time local residence and military members.

The Hubert Community is popular with the military community since it is close to the back gate on Hwy 172, which makes commuting to work much easier. There is much variety in the housing and the schools that most Hubert area children attend are Sandridge Elementary, Swansboro Middle School and Swansboro High School.

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